Bioblitz 2024: Wildlife species count
Find out the final number of wildlife species recorded at our recent Bioblitz.
Find out the final number of wildlife species recorded at our recent Bioblitz.
09 Mar 2025
Northumberland Coast National Landscape team
Our Bioblitz event in June was a great success, with a range of experts, volunteers and members of the public taking part across a 24-hour period of wildlife surveying at Warkworth Beach. Sessions included a bird walk along the estuary, sea watch, an invertebrate hunt and a dusk bat walk.
During the 24 hours, there were 328 separate sightings and 289 species recorded in total.
A highlight on the saltmarsh and birdwatching walks was a rare sighting of a spoonbill, with this tall white bird putting on a brilliant show for all to see. The following birds were also identified: reed bunting, sedge warbler, stonechat, little egret and many more.
On the invertebrate hunt, our participants recorded a cinammon bug, common blue damsel fly, coastal stiletto fly, and a nettle-tap moth, amongst others. We also noted the colourful small elephant hawk, yellow shell and green carpet moths. Plants included pyramidal orchid, common rest harrow and common spotted orchid in the dunes, while sea plantain, common scurvy grass and sea milkwort were seen on the saltmarsh.
Meanwhile, bottlenose dolphins were spotted during Friday evening's sea watch session, which was a big treat for those taking part.
Environmental Records Information Centre NE Officer Jo Ellis kept a record of all the different species sighted. Jo said: "It was a fantastic event and such good fun to be part of. I was really impressed by the broad range of experts, and how enthusiastic the Conservation Team volunteers are!"
We're already looking forward to next year's Bioblitz and will keep you posted of the date and destination nearer the time.