The Partnership
We have a duty to ensure that the natural beauty of the Northumberland Coast National Landscape is conserved and enhanced
We have a duty to ensure that the natural beauty of the Northumberland Coast National Landscape is conserved and enhanced
Northumberland County Council has a statutory duty to ensure that the natural beauty of the Northumberland Coast is conserved and enhanced and to prepare a management plan setting out the council’s policies for managing the National Landscape. To assist the council, the Northumberland Coast National Landscape Partnership was formed in 2003. Comprising of local people, representatives of statutory agencies and interest groups, the Partnership guides the policies of the council and the work of the staff team.
The role of the Partnership is to pursue and champion the purposes of designation of the Northumberland Coast National Landscape and to assist in the delivery of statutory duties and other management aspirations. These are the key objectives of the Northumberland Coast National Landscape Partnership:
To prepare and keep under review on a five-yearly basis, a statutory Management Plan on behalf of the Northumberland County Council.
To implement and encourage others to implement the agreed Management Plan.
To coordinate and demonstrate the protection and management of the National Landscape according to the purposes of the designation.
To promote the purpose, importance, characteristics and significance of the National Landscape.
To advise partners on the level of funding needed for National Landscape management and act to secure funding from several other sources.
To establish a management structure that is relevant to the objectives of the National Landscape.
To establish and provide guidance to a staff unit to undertake National Landscape core functions.
To advise relevant authorities on appropriate planning policies, and to offer advice on appropriate design and on development proposals which may affect the character and quality of the National Landscape.
To advise public bodies, agencies and statutory undertakers about the impact of their activities on the National Landscape and engage them in positive management initiatives.
To commission research, special studies and monitoring.
To establish links, exchange best practice and seek opportunities for joint initiatives, with other National Landscapes, National Parks and protected areas, both nationally and internationally.
The Partnership achieves these objectives principally through its role in steering the work of the Partnership staff. From time to time the Partnership may establish and agree terms of reference for any other panels or working groups it feels are necessary to assist in the delivery of its objectives.
Farming and land owning
Local business and tourism
Northumberland County Council member
Representing parish councils in the north
Northumberland County Council member
Environment Agency
Representing parish councils in the south
Local business and tourism
Northumberland County Council member
Northumberland County Council member
Natural England
Historic England
Access for All
Climate change
Farming and land owning
Local community
The next Partnership meeting is on Tuesday 4th March 2025 at Lionheart Depot, Alnwick from 4pm - 6pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend. If you need joining instructions to attend remotely, please email
The agenda for this meeting is available to download below.
Find out more about Defra programme, Farming in Protected Landscapes.
Find out moreThe Conservation Team is a volunteer initiative carrying out vital tasks.
Find out more